Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Road To Quiet Success: Business Tips For The Shy Entrepreneur

Shy people might think that their personality is a hindrance to succeeding in business. That is not necessarily true. Introverts are often very intuitive and analytical, and they can leverage on these traits to help them succeed. Furthermore, there are various techniques to work around circumstances that usually cause trepidation among shy people.

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A business's products or services speak volumes more than the public relations skills of the business owner. Therefore, for situations that require a sales pitch, let the visual presentation do most of the talking, and the qualities of the product should be gripping enough to keep customers more interested in the product than the speech delivery. Nonetheless, it would help to always practice in one's free time and at least have a standard spiel ready for spontaneous moments, such as an unexpected meeting with a client.

The shy entrepreneur can also delegate the task of sales talk or public relations to an employee. As an entrepreneur, one can simply hire people who are better at doing certain tasks.

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While some people are naturally sociable, it is important to remember that social skills can also be learned. One can think of it as an area for personal development. By constantly exposing oneself to social settings, being vocal and expressive in the face of others become easier over time.

Dougherty Marketing is a specialist firm that offers training and educational services to aspiring entrepreneurs. Learn more here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Differences Between Being a Business Owner And Being An Employee

There is a universe of difference between being a business owner and being an employee. Corporate employees who gave up their desk jobs and started their own businesses know this only too well. Let’s look at some of these major differences in detail.

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Employees have a simple mindset. Do their jobs well, get a bonus, and perhaps snag a promotion. Business owners, on the other hand, have a more complicated, worried, and even austere mindset. Business owners are almost always thinking of ways to expand their businesses, to make and save more money, and a host of other affairs essential to business survival.

Employees also do their jobs to get something in return. They perform their tasks with the notion that the company they work for owes them money for their time. Business owners cannot be more different. Business owners treat their companies like children. They spend a lot of time and effort helping the company grow, taking as minimal money from it as possible.

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Responsibilities of both employees and business owners are also worlds apart. Employees would probably have two, maybe three tasks to accomplish in a normal company. The preoccupations of business owners, especially start up owners, are, for lack of a better word, daunting. Business owners have to think of solutions for countless and constant problems. Their tasks also encompass administration, operations, and finance.

The rewards for doing a good job are also incomparable. Whereas employees can be entitled to bonuses and promotions, business owners, at their peak, have the potential to become multi-millionaires, or maybe even more.

Dougherty Marketing is a company that has aided people in starting their businesses. A huge part of this formula of success is leadership skills training. Discover Dougherty Marketing by visiting its official website.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How Entrepreneurship Brings Freedom

Independence. It is one of the major reasons many people dive into the world of entrepreneurship. Some forms of control and flexibility can only be experienced by business owners, which is corroborated by a poll by TD Bank wherein 96 percent of respondents agree that freedom is the best part of running a business.

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Some of these freedoms, other than the all-important financial freedom that helps motivate entrepreneurs to become strong leaders and successful in their endeavors, are the following:

Work freedom

Those yearning to escape the monotonous life inside the four walls of their office get another option to earn a living via entrepreneurship. It offers a choice wherein one calls the shots and “be his own boss,” determining the tasks he needs to work on.

Lifestyle freedom

For some people, they have no other choice but to build their life around their job. When one is an entrepreneur, there will be more freedom to decide on where to live, what car to drive, where and when to vacation, and other lifestyle choices.

Time freedom

One of the downsides of working in a corporate setting that certain people frown upon is the daily 9-to-5 schedule. There is a need to get up early, endure rush hour traffic, and have recreational activities be contingent on free time from work.

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Brian Dougherty worked formerly in the corporate world as a telephone service technician for a couple of years, but established his own business after discovering it allowed him to be in control of his own time and finances. With his wife, Jenny, he manages Dougherty Marketing, which has helped many entrepreneurs attain success. Visit this website for more details.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tried And Tested: Success Secrets From Good Mentors

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Good mentors are hard to find, especially in a competitive environment. Having a reliable authority figure who paved his or her own path to success is necessary for a younger person who wants to be an achiever in business. Here are the qualitis of tried and tested mentors:

1. They value learning. Instead of stopping at a certain level, truly successful people continue to study their field. They are accepting of trends and differing beliefs. Above all, they invest in themselves and the people they manage, even if it means paying a high price.

2. They share their knowledge to pass on their success. Truly amazing businesspeople aim to see others succeed the right way. To lead others to this path, they are generous with their skills and experience, even if it benefits potential competition. At the end of the day, it’s about keeping the flame alive in others’ careers.

3. They trust people even before they prove themselves. The best mentors in business know that the biggest investment is people. As they share their expertise, experiences, and successes, they are not scared to show their unbridled support to individuals who are driven to succeed. Giving a vote of confidence even when nothing much is happening can boost a person’s determination.

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Those who prospered with the help of a great mentor should pay it forward and share their skills with the next generation. Instead of promoting a harsh and impersonal industry, why not change the game by being sincerely supportive of others, as this is the way to truly healthy and innovative business competition.

Founded in July 2001 by Brian Dougherty and his wife, Jenny, Dougherty Marketing offers mentorship and training services to people who aim to improve their entrepreneurial and leadership skills. The company has already helped hundreds of groups and individuals in starting their business and achieving success. Visit the company’s official website for more information on its services.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Two Things Startup Owners Should Keep In Mind

Startups are tricky beasts to tame. But armed with the proper knowledge and skills, these businesses can be molded and guided to be successful. Here are two very important things that startup owners need to remember:
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Startup owners should know their target market.

Wonderful ideas for products and services are not enough. Part of a business’ success is an in-depth knowledge of the target market. Finding and making connections to potential clients who are as enthusiastic about what you have to offer as you are is very important. Also, startup business owners should always keep in mind that there is a much higher chance of success for products or services that already have a market, than products or services that are aiming to create a brand new trend.

Startup owners should know their products in and out.

Startup owners should be ready to answer any questions thrown at them by customers. When owners know their businesses inside out, it allows them the freedom to market it more creatively and efficiently. Owners can modify their products to target very specific individuals. A thorough knowledge of products and services coupled with a social media website savvy can be a potent combination for marketing. After all, owners have all the time to do their research before they open their business.
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Dougherty Marketing was founded in 2001 by Brian and Jenny Dougherty. The company offers mentorship and training to people who want to improve their entrepreneurial and leadership skills. The company has already helped hundreds of groups and individuals in starting their business and achieving success. To learn more about the company, visit the official website.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Developing Interpersonal Skills for Business

The business world needs different personality types and management styles. However, there are leaders who stand out not just because of their achievements but because of how they relate with their colleagues. Having good interpersonal skills is indeed a gift but it is something that everyone can work on.

Practice listening
The sad reality in most businesses and workplaces is that listening to others is considered a task, especially when everyone is busy or trying to beat a deadline. Despite this tendency, listening can be considered the lifeblood of businesses, as this is where discourse and good ideas flow. To exercise listening skills, a person can begin by sincerely hearing out what a co-worker or a boss is saying before offering his or her own suggestions. Or perhaps it would be a good start to stop thinking of something else when listening to another person.

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Speaking with clarity
This is very important in the workplace, especially for those in key positions. When there are people under an individual’s responsibility or supervision, he or she has to be sure that the instructions are clearly conveyed to employees. When it comes to work talk, sarcasm or joking could be taken the wrong way. To avoid offending others, be direct with instructions, praise, and even corrections. However, remember to speak with tact. Sincerity and clarity are not just about saying things as it is. There must be a balance that must not throw people off.

Aside from tact, business leaders and employees must never forget that the dog-eat-dog industry can still benefit from diplomacy. The industry can be competitive and cruel but diplomacy will help a person get the upper hand. The peacemakers will easily gain favor compared to those who are antagonistic, as people trust them to calmly state what they want without stepping on anyone’s toes. When the workplace is becoming a warzone, remember that the diplomats are the ones who get to say their piece. There are more tips to improve a person’s interpersonal skills but these three are good points to begin with. Practicing these qualities will make a person stand out in the workplace.

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Since 2001, Brian and Jenn Dougherty have been helping clients become the best in their respective careers through the training services offered by their company, Dougherty Marketing, in North Carolina. To know more business insights, visit the company’s official website.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Financial Stability Through Entrepreneurship

Starting your own business is one of the best ways to generate revenue and achieve financial stability. Owning and managing your own business has valuable personal rewards. It is an opportunity to pursue your passion while securing financial stability and independence.

Being your own boss means owning your time and making your own job security. Although starting a business can initially consume much of your time, once you have everything set in motion, you can afford more flexible work hours. The spare time you get from being a business owner creates opportunities for other value adding endeavors.

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The income potential of being an entrepreneur is limitless. Being the boss gives you the satisfaction of reaping the benefits of what you have worked hard for. Meanwhile, employees are tied to limited incomes based on salary structures or performance evaluations.

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Achieving financial stability does not solely rely on dedicating long hours working for a company. To achieve financial security, efficient use of resources is necessary. Entrepreneurship is the perfect investment opportunity to gain financial independence. An innovative idea with a solid business plan with entrepreneurial strategies will put you a step ahead on the pathway to financial stability.

Start your own successful business with Dougherty Marketing, a company that helps individuals achieve entrepreneurial success through mentorship and training. To know more about Dougherty Marking, visit its official website.